JavaScript Top 10 Articles for the Past Month (v.Apr 2018)
For the past month, we ranked nearly 1,200 JavaScript articles to pick the Top 10 stories that can help advance your career (0.8% chance).
- Topics in this list: Style Guide, Bundling, ES modules, ES2018, ES2019, Patterns, State Machine, TypeScript, Third-party scripts, Optimize
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As an article ranking service for professionals, we take quality very seriously and make sure each article you read is great. Mybridge AI considers the total number of shares, minutes read, and uses our machine learning algorithm to rank articles. This is a competitive list and you’ll find the experience and techniques shared by the JavaScript leaders useful.
Course of the month:
A) Beginners: The Complete JavaScript Course 2018: Build Real Projects![14,529 recommends, 4.6/5 stars]
B) Interview: The Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures. [1,837 recommends, 4.7/5 stars]
Rank 1
Google JavaScript Style Guide. Courtesy of Google
………. [13 Noteworthy Points from Google’s JavaScript Style Guide]
Rank 2
Machine Learning-Driven Bundling. The Future of JavaScript Tooling. — Minko Gechev. Courtesy of Minko Gechev
Rank 4
Exploring ES2018 and ES2019: Free JavaScript ebook by Axel Rauschmayer. Courtesy of Axel Rauschmayer
Rank 6
Forde’s Tenth Rule, or, “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and the State Machine”. Courtesy of Reginald Braithwaite
Rank 10
How JavaScript works: the rendering engine and tips to optimize its performance. Courtesy of Alexander Zlatkov
That’s it for JavaScript Monthly Top 10. If you like this curation, read best daily articles based on your programming skills on our website.