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CZ miniSTM32F103V -EK


CZ miniSTM32F103V -EK

CZ miniSTM32F103V_-EK


CZ miniSTM32F103V_-EK


512kb Flash, 64kB RAM, 2 × 12-bit D/A converters 112 fast I/O ports 2 × I2C 5 USARTs 3 SPIs (18 Mbit/s), 2 with I2S interface multiplexed 32 kHz oscillator for RTC with calibration Supports Compact Flash, SRAM, PSRAM, NOR and NAND memories

Board features

all pin holders / rows already soldered Boot0 and Boot1 jumper jumpers (RX,TX) for the USB-Serial converter 2x USB one with CH340 RS232-USB-converter chip (“Serial1”) 32.768kHz and 8Mhz oscillators on board CR1220 battery holder reset button Two user buttons: PD12, PC0 Two controllable LED; PE5, PE6 power indicator LED; JTAG / SWD 20 -pin standard interface ; 32 foot FSMC TFT LCD screen interface Board size : 101.5 mm x 76.68 mm

additional chips (already soldered) SPI flash W25q16 (on SPI1: CS: PA4, MISO: PA6, MOSI: PA7, SCK: PA5) EEPROM 24C02 (on I2C1: SCL: PB6, SDA: PB7 both with 4.7K pullup) IC Adress: 0x00 ( A0=A1=A2=GND) space holder for 485 IC (PA3, PA0, PA2) and DS18B20 (Data: PB14)

Known issues

  • None



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